

2023-06-07 16:56:05 互联网 未知 早教


Once upon a time, there was a young man who was very poor. He had no money to buy food or clothes, so he had to beg for food and clothes from the people in his village.

One day, he heard about a magical bell that could make him rich. He decided to go and find it. He searched for days and nights, but he could not find it.

Finally, he came across an old man who told him that the bell was hidden in a cave. The old man said that the bell was guarded by a dragon and that the only way to get it was to cover his ears and run past the dragon.

The young man was scared, but he was determined to get the bell. He covered his ears and ran as fast as he could. He managed to get past the dragon and grab the bell.

He was so happy that he ran back to the village and showed everyone the bell. Everyone was amazed and the young man became very rich. He used the money to buy food and clothes for himself and his family.

He lived happily ever after.
